Every Tuesday, here in San Diego, you can find a different museum offering free days.
Yesterday at the Museum of Man, I saw an amazing Egyptian Exhibit.
I learned a lot, and felt inspired when I left.
I just want to lecture to you on everything I learned.. but who has time for that?
My new creations are inspired by what I saw yesterday. Take a journey with me....
Maat: The concept of order, truth, regularity and justice which was all important to the ancient Egyptians. It was the duty of the pharaohs to uphold maat.
Maat was most often represented by a feather in hieroglyphs.
These tiger feathers are bonded to brass chain, and accented by brass and gold.
Nu: A swirling watery chaos from which the cosmic order was produced. In the beginning there was only Nu.
How can you not observe these stunning faux South African baole beads (w/sterling silver accents) and not see water; feel its force.
These are 4" total, all accents are sterling silver.
...and here is an updated photo of the gorgeous feathers I posted yesterday. I don't think these will last too long on the site, so don't wait! I can only make 1.