Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mic Check.

My Etsy Page should stay professional.
My Facebook Page was not made for business.
My Twitter Page makes it hard for people to get to know me.

So, naturally, I needed a blog.
Not only that... but after years of debating over it, I realized I WANT a blog. So that means there's a greater chance that I will stay devoted to it and put my all into it, because I am READY to.

I'm going to visually document my cross-country move (11/15/09),
post photos of all my new "peaces" of jewelry,
offer advice and tips on my craft,
post discounts and special offers,
go on random rants,
discuss pertinent social issues,
spread love and positivity,
share music because it uplifts the soul,
and give you a few peeks into my life :)

spread love.